Starting in the Middle Ages glass had been made in Bohemia. The invention of leaded crystal cultivated this trade and more than 150 years ago the Bohemian School of Glass Processing was among the leaders in the world. Since the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Bohemian Crystals have been decorating the courts and houses of the aristocracy and the elite.
Untouched by any fashion trends hand-cut leaded crystals have remained precious pieces. Their precise edges, the silver shine of the cuts as well as the fine ornaments – such pieces require the human hand and cannot be made by machine.
The quality of these crystal pieces is determined by several factors: the crude glass with a lead content of 24%, the highly skilled masters with a keen eye, steady, experienced hands, a sense for the artful ornaments and a deep understanding that each piece is special.
The correct selection of hand blown pieces and the proper use of the adequate traditional tools (stonediscs ) also play an important role.
Our Master has gathered a remarkable team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who create unique pieces of internationally renown quality.
Folder Leaded Crystal (German): Trophies, Cups, Awards
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